Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Geek and Poke – Social Special

    A satire on web, i mean, life 2.0 by Geek and Poke -> Here are some single strips And Where Were You, Adam? Friending Geosocial Nightmares We all got hundrets of really good friends Waiting for the toast to come We will get even more social Just tweeted…

  • it's not a bug, it's a feature

    After enjoying this reaction once again, i remembered this picture. And i wanted to share my fright with you … Ähnliche Artikel:Android Developement and Poke – Cloud SpecialGeek and Poke – Social Special"Moderne" KunstGoogle Street View sieht alles!

  • object oriented design principles

    A short summary of object oriented design principles to increase maintainability, reusability, flexibility, less complexity Single Responsibility Principle Each module should take just one responsibility/functionallity and all responsibilities/functionallities should be assigned to exactly one module. As a consequence, there is only a single reason why a module needs to be adjusted: the requirements for which…

  • Shortcuts in Eclipse

    This time I write in English, I was probably influenced too much by the last book, I have worked with. In Eclipse there are many useful shortcut which can help you to speed up your coding. In this article I want to show you a small selection of the shortcuts I use in practice (especially…

  • Linux und Umlaute in Dateinamen

    Zu oft ist es schon vorgekommen, ein Kollege schickt mir ein auf WinXP erstelltes Zip Archiv per E-Mail, und die Dateinnamen der komprimierten Dateien enthalten Umlaute. Mein Archlinux läuft bestens unter UTF-8. Doch hierbei gibt es Probleme mit ISO-8859-1 kodierten Dateinamen. Im Terminal oder im Dolphin sind diese Datein nicht ansprechbar, ein invertiertes Fragezeichen ersetzt…