Considerd Requirements
- The tool monitores the feeds within the selected time frames an in the selected intervall
- The tool has to check a url due to reaching an intervall or to user activation
- The opens a connection and retrieves following information
- Entity Title
- Entity URL
- Entity Date
- The tool checks if this combination is allready in the Entity-Database
- The tool has not found it and therefore it creats a new entry.
- The tool found the entity and checks the displaycount
- the tool displayes the entity in a tray balloon for about 10 seconds
- If fhe displaycounts is equal or bigger than the displaycount the entity will not be shown
- The tool increases the displaycount of the entity by one
- It sets the latest updatetime to sysdate if the displaycount is at least as high as the max for shown entities
- In the case of displaying the entity: Offer the User 3 possibilities:
- ignore entity -> sets the displaycount to the max
- open entity -> opens the entityurl in the system defined standard browser
- mark to read later -> reduces the displaycount of the entity by one and the displaycount is set to the max
- at the end of the complete check the database is checked for old entitys (their displaycount has not been updated for at least 2 month) and removes them from the database
- after the complete check the database is stored to the file system till the next check.
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